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With a momentous history spanning thousands of years and a long-established role as one of the world’s most influential nations, 在英国留学提供了无与伦比的学习环境. 在这里,你永远不会找不到令人兴奋的景点. 从史前的巨石阵到两千年前的哈德良长城, 曾经是罗马帝国最北端的边界, this small island nation contains enough surviving relics of the past to keep you intrigued throughout your stay. 惊叹于拥有1400年历史的坎特伯雷大教堂, 它是英格兰教会的中心,也是哥特式建筑的标志. Tour the astonishingly beautiful Roman Baths, built nearly two millennia ago in the city of Bath. 在威廉·莎士比亚的故乡驻足, 埃文河畔斯特拉特福德, to see the preserved houses where he and some of his family members are thought to have once occupied. 参观牛津大学, 世界上最古老的英语大学, 位于同名城市牛津. Pay your respects to 英格兰’s monarchs and other famous figures at their iconic final resting place, 威斯敏斯特教堂. 站在自然历史博物馆高耸的恐龙骨架下面. 需要一些与大自然相处的时间? See how many species of seabirds you can spot at the sweeping Bempton Cliffs or spend a whole day wandering the beautiful Lake District National Park, 崎岖的山脉, 宁静的湖泊, 数英里的青山是一个田园诗般的度假胜地. 对于有抱负的环保人士, the Eden Project in Cornwall is a must-see attraction: the eco-park features the largest indoor rainforest in the world, 以及其他几个栖息在它们自己的生物群系中的栖息地. 如果你足够幸运,在春季或夏季到英国留学, 在布莱顿宫码头度过沙滩日, an impressive example of Edwardian architecture situated on the island’s southern coast. Spend a day in the Cotswolds where you can admire over fifteen thousand tree species in the gorgeous Westonbirt Arboretum or stroll through the immaculately kept Royal Gardens at Highgrove. 来一次更积极的户外旅行, 前往How Stean Gorge徒步旅行, 独木舟, 或者沿着考特利喷口瀑布向下喷涌.




英格兰’s capital city has long been known for its museums, markets, pubs and history. 今天, 伦敦 is a true global city with a vast diversity of people and is one the world’s most-visited cities.
68°F (20°C)
42°F (7°C)
  • 业务
  • 工程
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学

The birthplace of some of the most popular and influential artists of all time, 英国提供了丰富多彩的文化活动, 活动, 展品随处可见. 你喜欢视觉艺术吗? Make a stop at the National Gallery to view the works of Europe’s greatest painters: Da Vinci, 卡拉瓦乔, 米开朗基罗, 鲁本斯, 伦布兰特, 和其他人. 参加伦敦的梅菲尔艺术周末, three colorful days of free access to the district’s art galleries and auction houses. For a more casual outing, go see the vibrant and photo-worthy street art in the alleys of Shoreditch. 书虫,欢喜! 英格兰’s literary legacy and love of books mean you’ll have more than enough to keep you busy in your spare time. 参观位于巴斯的简·奥斯汀中心,这位深受爱戴的《宝博体育》作者就在这里 & 偏见占据了她生命的大部分时间. Hear big names in today’s fiction and nonfiction lists talk about their work at the two-week long 伦敦 文学 Festival. 在菲茨罗伊酒馆放松一下, 20世纪英国最优秀的几位作家都来自这里, 包括弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫, 乔治·奥威尔, 迪伦·托马斯. Take your picture at Platform 9 ¾ in King’s Cross Station, for your Harry Potter moment. 英国仍有许多书店, where you can spend many a quiet afternoon browsing the shelves for your next read. Lovers of the stage will find more opportunity to experience great performances in 英格兰 than almost anywhere else. 在作家自己的环球剧场观看莎士比亚戏剧. If you’re in 埃文河畔斯特拉特福德, seeing the Royal Shakespeare Company in action is a must. 如果你想找更现代的, 去伦敦国家剧院看一场演出, 位于泰晤士河南岸.  



Aside from the myriad of foreign cuisine available in restaurants across 伦敦 and elsewhere, you can drink and dine on traditional English fare wherever you go on the island. Take part in the timeless English tradition of afternoon tea at your favorite     café. Order a basket of fish and chips or try some Yorkshire pudding in Yorkshire County, 作为周日烤肉的配菜. Enjoy a pint of your favorite beer in a century-old pub and bond with new friends the way the locals do. 等你吃饱了英国菜, 尝尝英国版的美国菜, 比如芝士汉堡, 或者走进伦敦正在兴起的素食餐厅. There are so many different things to do and see when you study abroad in 英格兰. Get a taste of the English passion for football at a local match or opt for a less conventional alternative like rugby or cricket. 试试伦敦著名的公共交通:地铁, 黑色出租车, 还有红色的双层巴士. 在一些欧洲最好的音乐会场地体验现场音乐, 齐柏林飞艇等音乐传奇的诞生地, 平克·弗洛伊德, 甲壳虫乐队, 滚石乐队, 和阿黛尔. 乘坐伦敦眼欣赏英国首都的壮观景色. 当你在英国留学时, 你会发现它很容易学, 连接, 在没有语言障碍的情况下熟悉你的新家. With access to some of the most esteemed universities in the world and the 伦敦 workplace overflowing with internship opportunities, you’ll discover exactly what you need to accomplish your goals and prepare for a successful future. 



  • 砖巷 If the thought of curry makes your mouth water, then 砖巷 is the place to be. 这个伦敦东区的瑰宝是伦敦一些最著名的印度餐馆的所在地. +, if you fancy a quick shopping trip after chowing down on authentic Indian cuisine, 布里克巷以其古着服装店而闻名.
  • Soho的秘密茶室 去伦敦西区著名的酒吧Coach吧 & 马,去找苏豪区唯一的秘密茶室. This vintage-themed tearoom’s décor paired with traditional English High Tea is guaranteed to make you feel like a true Brit.
  • 樱草花 Bright blue skies and lush, green grass—two things most people don’t think of when moving to 伦敦. 他们大错特错! 位于摄政公园以北, 樱草山不仅提供了一些城市的最佳景观, but also a great place to bask in the rare 伦敦 sunshine while enjoying a picnic with friends.
  • 空中花园 乘坐115米高的空中花园,进入伦敦著名的天际线. This sky-high indoor garden offers breathtaking 360-degree views of Central 伦敦.
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